Sziasztok!!! Üdvözlök mindenkit honlapomon!Azért hoztam ezt a lapot létre ,hogy legyen egy oldal ahol a Barbie babákat kedvelők kedvükre böngészhetnek és gyönörködjenek ezekben a csodálatos babákban..:)Célom az hogy minnél több képet találjunk róluk.




















































Principally all Barbie Dolls are marked on their back.
Onthe back of the head and inside the feet there are occasionally
more identifications. A complete list of all the markings for each
group of dolls would be much too long and therefore only the most
common identification feaatures are described below.
Year numbering:
The Year numbers within the markings do not refer to the individual
production-Year or sales date, but these indicate the Year in which a
particular mold had been introduced and patented.
A doll with the marking „1966“ can be brand new ( 2002),
because the same molds are being used for decades in some cases.
Countries of manufacturing:
The manufacturing of Barbie-dolls requires a great deal of handicraft skill.
To keep the production expenses down most doll are produced in so called
low cost countries. These are subject to changes during the past Years.
The indication of a country within the marking may give important hints about the dolls age.
Identification Guide:
This identification guide is intended to be used as a QUICK REFERENCE
guide only. It includes a sampling of the many Barbie and family dolls made
by Mattel before 1976. The close up head inspection enables to identify WHO your
doll is and approximately what year she was manufactured. In most cases,
the doll name, hair colors, eye color, original outfit and country of manufacture
are given. I did not include all of the markings available on each doll,
since the year on the back of the doll is the date of patent/copyright registration,
NOT the year of manufacture.
This is the most confusing issue to anyone trying to identify the year their doll was made.
The following is a list of countries in which dolls were typically manufactured for those years.

Barbie-dolls described with the wording: "Made in ..." had been sold in the following Years:

Japan  1959 - 1969 ... 1971 - 1977 ...  
Mexiko  1967 - 1970   1989 - 1990    
Taiwan  1968 - 1987        
Indonesia 1969   1991 - 1995   1999 to present
Hong Kong  1970 - 1971   1983   1985
Korea 1973 - 1976   1978    
Philippinen 1975 - 1978   1980 - 1987    
U.S.A.  1976 - 1978 only Supersize Barbies        
China  1983 - 1995   1997 - 1998   2001 to present
Malaysia. 1985 - 1994   1997 to present    

Different country identifications may be found on some dolls that were manufactured in other than the above listed countries, produced under licence and distributed in these specific countries. This method applies if customs- or import regulations are impeding the sale of regular Barbies.
Thus  some Barbies are declared as: "Made in ..." Japan, Mexiko, Taiwan, Hong Kong etc.

Body-Types and buildup:
The body construction and/or buildup may help to classify the Barbie dolls better.
Below  here are a few hints fort hat purpose.

Molded, protruding eyelashes   From Lilli-doll until 1966 Barbie’s, and also
P.B. (Pretty Bunny Store) Japanese Barbie’s
"real" rooted eyelashes   1966 to 1972 and also Partytime-dolls
1978 and Bride-Barbie
1976 sas well as P.B. (Pretty Bunny Store) Barbie’s
Articulating knee-joints   Introduced 1964 with the  twinkling-eyes-Barbie
Rotating waist   From 1967
Bent elbows   From 1976
Fully articulated body
(includes arm- and elbow joints)
  1970 and 1971 and also Riding- and Western-Barbie’s
1977 - 1981
Grasping (articulated) hands   Do-it-dolls (busy) and talking busy-dolls 1972,
also Riding- and Western-Barbie’s 1977 - 1981
Pullring & cord in neck and
speaker openings in back
  Talking  Barbie and Friends 1968 - 1970
and new productions for the  japanese market
Pusbutton (switch) in back   Walking Jamie 1970
Kissing Barbie 1979
Twinkling Barbie 1981
Beauty Secret Barbie and Christie 1980, move their arms
Mannequin Barbie 1986, moving arms
Extendable control lever in back   Free Moving-Dolls 1975
Internal mechanism for.
(head turning and arms movement,
when moving the legs)
  Walking Barbie, Steffie, Miss Amerca, Ken 1972
Growing Skipper and Ginger 1976
Fashion Photo Barbie, P.J. and Christie 1978
Ballerina Barbie and Christie 1976, 1979, 1983
Rock-Star-Dolls 1986

The various forms of Barbie’s hands

The shapes of Barbies Arms and Hands are different and have changed many times depending on the manufacturing country of the doll.
Except for the "Living"- and the "Busy- type" hand design, there were six more of them.

Original Barbie-Hands (from 1959)
All Barbie-dolls before1968 and some individuals up to1974 had this hand design.
The index finger of the right hand and the smallest finger on both hands are seperated,
and the backs of both hands are looking forward.
Francie - hands (from 1966)
Her hands are smaller, but somewhat thicker, both her thumbs are pointing forward.
Mexican-hands (from 1968)
Slim full hands, without seperated fingers, the left hand is turned slightly more than the
right one and they are made from soft vinyl.
Korean-hands (from 1969)
Only the small fingers of each hand are seperated.
Hard shiny Mexican-hand (from 1975)
Slim hands similar to the Mexican-hand, except that the left hand is turned even more
outwards. Glossy hard-vinyl.
PTR-hand (from 1977)
The PR-hands (palm-to-the-rear) design, appeared completely new.
Both handbacks are showing forward and they are made from glossy hard-vinyl.

                     .                Original Barbie-hands    ..                              Francie-hands

....   ...............    
1959 - 1968... All Barbies   1966 - 1969... All Francies
1968 - 1970 Stacey T'NT   1968 Casey and Twiggy
1968 - 1971 Barbie Standard   1970 Francie T'NT, third Edition
1969 Truly Scrumptious Standard   1970 - 1971 Francie Hair Happenin's
1969 - 1971 Barbie T'NT   1971 Malibu Francie
1970 - 1971 P.J. T'NT   1971 Francie T'NT, ohne Pony
1970 - 1971 Walking Jamie   1972 German Francie
1970 Francie Hair Happenin's, first Edition...   1974 Malibu Christie, second Edition
1971 Barbie Hair Happenin's   1975 - 1976 Funtime Barbie
1971 Barbie Malibu   1975 Hawaiian Barbie

              .                       Mexicans-hands                                                Korean-hands

....   ...............    
1968 - 1972... Talking Barbies   1969 - 1970... Julia T'NT
1968 - 1970 Talking Stacey   1970 Christie T'NT
1968 - 1972 Talking Christie   1975 Malibu Barbie
1969 - 1972 Talking Julia   1975 Malibu P.J.
1969 - 1972 Talking P.J.   1975 Malibu Christie
1969 Talking Truly Scrumptious.........................   1975 - 1976 Gold Medal Barbie
1971 - 1972 Barbie Hair Happenin's   1975 German Hawaiian Barbie...............
1971 - 1972 Francie Hair Happenin's   1975 Funtime Barbie
1972 - 1973 Walk Lively Barbie   1974 German Barbie
1972 - 1973 Walk Lively Steffie   1975 German Barbie

Materials Used To Make Barbie Dolls:
Almost all Barbie dolls are made of vinyl with a soft feel to it. However, a few collector Barbie dolls have been made of porcelain, and the collector Silkstone Barbie dolls are made of a hard vinyl with a porcelain feel. Hair on Barbie dolls is generally rooted synthetic fiber.



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